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The data plane

In the previous exploration we looked at issues relating to misconfiguration.

In this exploration, we investigate issues with the data plane: everything is configured correctly, but some traffic flow isn't functioning, and we need to find out why.

Ingress is configured for the bookinfo application, routing requests to the productpage destination.

Assuming the local cluster deployed with k3d in setup, the ingress gateway is reachable on localhost, port 80:

export GATEWAY_IP=localhost

No Healthy Upstream (UH)

What if for some reason the backing workload is not accessible?

Simulate this situation by scaling the productpage-v1 deployment to zero replicas:

kubectl scale deploy productpage-v1 --replicas 0

In one terminal, tail the logs of the ingress gateway:

kubectl logs --follow -n istio-system -l istio=ingressgateway

In another terminal, send a request in through the ingress gateway:

curl http://$GATEWAY_IP/productpage

In the logs you should see the following line:

"GET /productpage HTTP/1.1" 503 UH no_healthy_upstream - "-" 0 19 0 - "" "curl/8.7.1" "c4c58af1-2066-4c45-affb-d1345d32fc66" "localhost" "-" outbound|9080||productpage.default.svc.cluster.local - - -

Note the UH response flag: No Healthy Upstream.

These response flags clearly communicate to the operator the reason for which the request did not succeed.

No Route Found (NR)

As another example, make a request to a route that does not match any routing rules in the virtual service:

curl http://$GATEWAY_IP/productpages

The log entry responds with a 404 "NR", for "No Route Found":

"GET /productpages HTTP/1.1" 404 NR route_not_found - "-" 0 0 0 - "" "curl/8.7.1" "2606aaa9-8c5c-4987-9ba7-86b89f901d34" "localhost" "-" - - - -

UpstreamRetryLimitExceeded (URX)

Delete the bookinfo Gateway and VirtualService resources:

kubectl delete -f artifacts/mesh-config/bookinfo-gateway.yaml

In its place, configure ingress for the httpbin workload:

kubectl apply -f artifacts/data-plane/httpbin-gateway.yaml
kind: Gateway
  name: httpbin-gateway
    istio: ingressgateway
  - port:
      number: 80
      name: http
      protocol: HTTP
    - "*"
kind: VirtualService
  name: httpbin
  - "*"
  - httpbin-gateway
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: httpbin
          number: 8000
      attempts: 3
      retryOn: gateway-error,connect-failure,refused-stream

The VirtualService is configured with three retry attempts in the event of a 503 response.

Call the httpbin endpoint that returns a 503:

curl -v http://$GATEWAY_IP/status/503

The Envoy gateway logs will show the response flag URX: UpstreamRetryLimitExceeded:

"GET /status/503 HTTP/1.1" 503 URX via_upstream - "-" 0 0 120 119 "" "curl/8.7.1" "dcb3b100-e296-4031-8f45-1234d20b0f20" "localhost" "" outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local - -

That is, the gateway got a 503, retried the request up to three times, and then gave up.

Envoy's response flags provide insight into why a request to a target destination workload might have failed.

Sidecar logs

We are not restricted to inspecting the logs of the ingress gateway. We can also check the logs of the Envoy sidecars.

Tail the logs for the sidecar of the httpbin destination workload:

kubectl logs --follow deploy/httpbin -c istio-proxy

Repeat the call to the httpbin "503" endpoint:

curl -v http://$GATEWAY_IP/status/503

You will see evidence of four inbound requests received by the sidecar, i.e. three retry attempts.

Log levels

The log level for any Envoy proxy can be either displayed or configured with the proxy-config log command.

Envoy has many loggers. The log level for each logger can be configured independently.

For example, let us target the Istio ingress gateway deployment.

To view the log levels for each logger, run:

istioctl proxy-config log -n istio-system deploy/istio-ingressgateway

The log levels are: trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, and off.

To set the log level for, say the wasm logger, to info:

istioctl proxy-config log -n istio-system deploy/istio-ingressgateway --level wasm:info

This can be useful for debugging wasm extensions.

The output displays the updated logging levels for every logger for that Envoy instance.

Log levels can be reset for all loggers with the --reset flag:

istioctl proxy-config log -n istio-system deploy/istio-ingressgateway --reset